samantha aspin

funeral celebrant

Funeral Celebrant.

A funeral celebrant is many things – Advisor, Storyteller, Facilitator, Creative Writer, Grief Companion, Resource Person and the Orchestrator. But never the Dictator. 


Funeral Service

  • Initial meeting with family and friends. Sharing of readings, poems and music for you to consider.
  • Discuss and plan order of service
  • Create a unique and bespoke script 
  • Unlimited edits of script
  • Travel costs to chosen venue 
  • Professional delivery of funeral service with respect and integrity
  • Service script presented in folder

Scattering of Ashes

  • Initial meeting with family and friends. Sharing of readings, poems and music for you to consider.
  • Discuss and plan order of service
  • Create a unique and bespoke script 
  • Unlimited edits of script
  • Travel costs to chosen venue 
  • Professionally deliver ashes scattering with respect and integrity
pet blessings image

Pet Blessings

  • Initial meeting with pet owners Sharing of readings, poems and music for you to consider.
  • Discuss and plan order of service
  • Create a unique and bespoke script 
  • Unlimited edits of script
  • Travel costs to chosen venue 
  • Professional delivery of funeral service with respect and integrity
  • Professionally deliver ashes scattering with respect and integrity
  • Rose bush remembrance gift